01896 752 951 | 07706 613 599 info@galashielsmobility.co.uk

Electric Wheelchairs

New and used power chairs

We offer a large range of the latest electric wheel chairs (power chairs) from the lightest car transportable models to all terrain power chairs. Chosing the most appropriate chair is important, and we’re happy to arrange a free in-store or home demo at your convenience.

Car transportable electric wheelchairs

Galashiels Mobility sell a wide range of these electric wheelchairs starting from the latest and lightest at 15 kg, through to budget friendly dismantlable power chairs.

Every day power chairs

We supply clients throughout the Scottish Borders with a wide range of power chairs to suit every user and every need, from standard electric wheelchairs to top of the range custom configured power chairs.

Book your free home demo today


We work closely with a repair specialist and can fix mobility scooters, rise and recline chairs, wheel chairs and stair lifts. If you're located in the Scottish Borders and need a repair call now:

01896 752 951 | 07706 613 599

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